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Welcome to AMNR Lab, a young, talented, and prosperous research group!

Lab News - 2024​​

  1. Aug. 23, Prof. Su's paper "A Review of Deep-learning-based Super-Resolution: from Methods to Applications", was accepted by Pattern Recognition, one of the top journals in the field of artificial intelligence.

  2. Aug. 17, Our paper "Nanorobot-based Direct Implantation of Flexible Neural Electrode for BCI" was selected a *featured article* and *Front Cover* of the Octorber issue of  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2024.

  3. Jul. 16, Mingyue's paper "3D Noncontact Micro-Particle Manipulation with Acoustic Robot End-Effector under Microscope", was accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

  4. Jun. 30, AMNR Lab has three papers accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024). The three accepted papers are about particle cluster manipulation, binary amplitude acoustic holography, and 3D reconstruction inside SEM.

  5. Jun. 12, Jiaqi's paper "Obstacle-crossing Self Focused Acoustic Transducer based on Bessel Beams", was accpeted by IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Joint Symposium, (IEEE UFFC-JS 2024) in topic of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2024).

  6. May 26, Mingyue's paper "Vision-based Closed-loop Control with Spatiotemporal Multiplexing Strategy for Noncontact Trapping of Multiple Micro-particles" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.

  7. May 23, congrats to Mingyue Wang, Xiang Fu and Zhenhuan Sun for being phd students in AMNR Lab. The lab right now has 7 phd students.

  8. May 20, Dr. Teng Li and Yujie's paper "Nanorobot-based Direct Implantation of Flexible Neural Electrode for BCI" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
    AMNR Lab is now turning to apply advanced micro-nanorobotics towards life science. Bio-electrical interface is one of the main research topics in the coming years. We have layed solid technical foundations in this regard.

  9. Feb. 20, Prof. Su's paper "Attention-based Multi-scale Feature Fusion for Efficient Surface Defect Detection" was accepted by IEEE Tranasctions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

  10. Jan. 29, Yujie's paper "Automated Surgical Knot Tying on Mini-Incision with Micro-Suture based on Dual-Arm Nanorobot under Stereo Microscope" was accpeted by International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024).

  11. Jan. 15, Fu Xiang and Sun Zhenhuan were awarded Merit Graduate Student and Outstanding Graduate Student of ShanghaiTech.

Lab News 2023

  1. Dec. 16, Chengxi and Qingyi's paper, "Real-time Acoustic Holography with Physics-Reinforced Contrastive Learning for Acoustic Field Reconstruction" was accepated by Journal of Applied Physics.

  2. Dec. 3, Yuyu Jia's paper "Selective Acoustic Trapping, Translating, Rotating and Orienting of Organism from Heterogeneous Mixture" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

  3. Oct. 17. Chengxi Zhong won the "National Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students" for her excellent research works in acoustic holography.

  4. Aug. 29. Fu Xiang's paper "Visual Tracking with Motion Distortion Removal for Nanomanipulation inside SEM" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

  5. Aug. 25. Research in AMNR Lab got funding support from National Natural Science Foundation of China Starting from 2024 to 2026.

  6. July 4. Chengxi's paper "Real-time Acoustic Holography with Physics-based Deep Learning for Robotic Manipulation" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.

  7. Jun. 22. Qingqi and Chengxi's paper "Ultrafast Acoustic Holography with Physics-Reinforced Self-Supervised Learning for Precise Robotic Manipulation" was accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023).

  8. Jun. 5. Yuting Yang's paper "Zooming-Free Hand-Eye Self-Calibration for Nanorobotic Manipulation inside SEM" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. 

  9. May 24. AMNR Lab has four papers got accepted by International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS2023)! IUS is the top conference in the field of ultrasonics, to be held in Montreal, Canada, this year. 

  10. May 19. Dr. Teng Li 's paper "Visual Servo Control for Workspace Navigation of Nanorobot End-effector inside SEM" was accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 

  11. May 12. Qingyi Lu was awarded outstanding undergraduate thesis in her bachelor degree defense.  Qingyi is joining AMNR Lab in coming September as graduate student.

  12. The PI was awarded as Outstanding Faculty By ShanghaiTech and SIST 2022.

  13. AMNR Lab has two papers accepted by ICRA 2023 @ London Excel!.

  14. Our Graduate student Chengxi Zhong becomes a reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging!

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